Friday, October 12, 2018

“What Exactly are You Trying to Accomplish Here?”

Thank you, dear reader, for asking.

This blog is a space in which I can write while assessing my capacity to successfully write what I intended to write.

My unremarkable brain lately has been presenting me with a host of cognitive issues. In some instances, I've concluded that some of these issues have been lifelong and I am suffering from an onset of being unable to compensate for them.

Oh, just forget I wrote that…

I am attempting a blog to tell the world:
  1. So I Thought - my opinions, my musings and recipes (there will be at least two recipes). I know I share my opinion frequently on Facebook but why give it away free? If you believe my opinions on Facebook-- or anywhere-- are obnoxious, please proceed to number 2; 
  2. So I Went - wherein I regale the reader with tales of adventure abroad and an occasional frightful mishap; 
  3. So I Saw - hopefully the blog's simplest page to enjoy, where I share images and possibly explain what's in the picture;
  4. So I Heard - I intend to write a brief appreciation of the songs and pieces of music I love. Trying to sort out if I can link to a YouTube video of a song and not invite a lawsuit-- otherwise I may be reduced to explaining which Christmas carol is sheer Hell for folks afflicted with anxiety;
  5. Sale. aka Page In Process - a fifth page where anyone can go to order a print of one of my images, at a nominal cost (which I still haven;t done the math to figure out). If you wish to have a lovely 8' x 10' print of any of my images before the "Sale" page is up and fully operational, please contact me at 
In characteristic form, I got the concept for this blog a while back, then ruminated and procrastinated, until one day I threw the blog up hastily.

Just to make things interesting, I created a "The Brain is Unremarkable" blog first on WordPress, before I finally chose Blogger on which to unfurl the Unremarkable Brain flag.

If it is mad to do something in a mad rush, then to do the thing twice in the mad rush is, well, madness.

My commitment to Blogger proceeded my knowledge that having a blog with separate pages is not a Blogger thing.

But there are workarounds which, dear reader, we shall explore together.

We're on a journey and you have my promise that-- if the bridge is out-- I will have figured out a way to cross before we reach the river.

Or we may just sit and admire the river awhile.

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